Classes: Attribute, Attributes, AttributesImpl, ContentHandler, DTDHandler, DeclHandler, DefaultHandler, EntityResolver, EntityResolverImpl, ErrorHandler, InputSource, LexicalHandler, Locator, LocatorImpl, NamespaceSupport, SAXException, SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException, SAXParseException, SAXParser, WhitespaceFilter, XMLFilter, XMLFilterImpl, XMLReader
struct Attribute
class Attributes
Interface for a list of XML attributes.
class AttributesImpl
This class provides a default implementation of the SAX2 Attributes interface,
with the addition of manipulators so that the list can be modified or reused.
class ContentHandler
Receive notification of the logical content of a document.
class DTDHandler
If a SAX application needs information about notations and unparsed entities,
then the application implements this interface and registers an instance with the
SAX parser using the parser's setDTDHandler method.
class DeclHandler
This is an optional extension handler for SAX2 to provide information
about DTD declarations in an XML document.
class DefaultHandler
Default base class for SAX2 event handlers.
class EntityResolver
If a SAX application needs to implement customized handling for external entities,
it must implement this interface and register an instance with the SAX driver using
the setEntityResolver method.
class EntityResolverImpl
A default implementation of the EntityResolver interface.
class ErrorHandler
If a SAX application needs to implement customized error handling, it must
implement this interface and then register an instance with the XML reader
using the setErrorHandler method.
class InputSource
This class allows a SAX application to encapsulate information about an input
source in a single object, which may include a public identifier, a system
identifier, a byte stream (possibly with a specified encoding), and/or a character
class LexicalHandler
This is an optional extension handler for SAX2 to provide lexical information
about an XML document, such as comments and CDATA section boundaries.
class Locator
Interface for associating a SAX event with a document location.
class LocatorImpl
Provide an optional convenience implementation of Locator.
class NamespaceSupport
Encapsulate Namespace logic for use by SAX drivers.
class SAXException
class SAXNotRecognizedException
The base class for all SAX-related exceptions like SAXParseException,
SAXNotRecognizedException or SAXNotSupportedException.
class SAXNotSupportedException
Exception class for an unrecognized identifier.
class SAXParseException
Exception class for an unsupported operation.
class SAXParser
This class provides a SAX2 (Simple API for XML) interface to expat,
the XML parser toolkit.
class WhitespaceFilter
This implementation of the SAX2 XMLFilter interface
filters all whitespace-only character data element
class XMLFilter
class XMLFilterImpl
Base class for deriving an XML filter.