Library Data/PostgreSQL

Package PostgreSQL


Classes: BinaryExtractor, Binder, ConnectionException, Connector, Extractor, InputParameter, OutputParameter, PGCancelFree, PQConnectionInfoOptionsFree, PQResultClear, PostgreSQLException, PostgreSQLStatementImpl, SessionHandle, SessionImpl, SessionParameters, StatementException, StatementExecutor, TransactionException, Utility

Functions: oidToColumnDataType


class BinaryExtractor

Extracts and converts data values from the result row returned by PostgreSQL. more...

class Binder

Binds INPUT (only) placeholders in the sql query to the provided values. more...

class ConnectionException

ConnectionException more...

class Connector

Connector instantiates PostgreSQL SessionImpl objects. more...

class Extractor

Extracts and converts data values from the result row returned by PostgreSQL. more...

class InputParameter

PostgreSQL class to record values for input parameters to SQL statements more...

class OutputParameter

PostgreSQL class to record values for output parameters to capture the results more...

class PGCancelFree

PostgreSQL Cancel Info Options free (RAII) more...

class PQConnectionInfoOptionsFree

PostgreSQL connection Info Options free (RAII) more...

class PQResultClear

PostgreSQL statement result free (RAII) more...

class PostgreSQLException

Base class for all PostgreSQL exceptions more...

class PostgreSQLStatementImpl

Implements statement functionality needed for PostgreSQL more...

class SessionHandle

PostgreSQL connection(session) handle more...

class SessionImpl

Implements SessionImpl interface more...

class SessionParameters

PostgreSQL session parameters more...

class StatementException

StatementException more...

class StatementExecutor

PostgreSQL statement executor. more...

class TransactionException

TrabsactionException more...

class Utility

Various utility functions for PostgreSQL. more...