Classes: ActiveRecord, ActiveRecordBase, Context, DefaultStatementPlaceholderProvider, IDTraits, KeylessActiveRecord, PostgresStatementPlaceholderProvider, Query, StatementPlaceholderProvider
class ActiveRecord
The base class for all database objects that
implement the ActiveRecord pattern, with a
single key column.
class ActiveRecordBase
The base class for the ActiveRecord class template.
class Context
Context information for ActiveRecord objects.
class DefaultStatementPlaceholderProvider
class IDTraits
class KeylessActiveRecord
The base class for all database objects that
implement the ActiveRecord pattern, without
a key column.
class PostgresStatementPlaceholderProvider
class Query
A Query is used to retrieve ActiveRecord objects from a table.
class StatementPlaceholderProvider
template < typename IDType > const IDType ActiveRecord < IDType >::INVALID_ID = IDTraits < IDType >::INVALID_ID;